Dal secondo album dei Bronson "Roma Tiger Punk" - (Rupe Tarpea 2015). Seguici su https://www.facebook.com/bronsonroma Video realizzato da Alta Produzioni (altaproduzioni@gmail.com) Regia e montaggio: Davide Di Stefano Direttore della Fotografia: Angelo Panella Scenografia: Matteo Barberini e Lorenzo Raimondi Costumi: Giorgia Bianchini English
Lyrics: Living your easy life within this bureaucratic madness, forever serving The Capital Oppressed by the system Tormented by lies You reckon there's no way back You think you're living in a nation that it's no longer Your government's a bank's slave Full of debts, you lost your sovereignty Your Europe is our sentence Fuck the EU The future is bleak but don't stop believing that the fatherlands aren't to fight back They'll be flying the banners of the heroes again. Their fire is burning in us. From Italy to Spain, From Greece to France A rally cry raises in the sky Fuck the EU Peoples of Europe are waking up This is our Independence song! Fuck the EU!